Annotated Backgammon Matches
Licking the wounds One needs vision on the shoulder of a giant BARE-OFF in backgammon as off-guard in boxing Bob Koca wins Cannes 2008 agains Gus Hansen, commentary John Clark
Once in a lifetime a shepherd kills a rabbit with a stick:) 7 pt. Matt Coch Geier vs. Svilo 23.03.2011 7 pt. Haim Cohen - Paul Magriel 2004 9 pt. Maia Peicheva - Maria Krancheva 2003 Match No. 1 11 pt. Michael Meyburg - Svilo 1998 9 pt. Svilo - Aachim Mueller 1998 Maia Peicheva - Maria Krancheva Match No. 2 Maria Krancheva - Maia Peicheva Match No. 3 Svilo - Maria Krancheva 2003 Match No. 1 Svilo - Maria Krancheva 2003 Match No. 2 Svilo - Maria Krancheva 2003 Match No. 3 Svilo - Maria Krancheva 2003 Match No. 4 Boardmaker(me) vs. fawn on TMG
"It's only words, and words are all I have to take your heart away..." Bots may see things a million time, but we humans are short legged. We can only run faster using our mind. Or using products of our mind - be they spacecraft of computers. Words are what we use to classify notions and evaluate ideas. I started to annotate matches again... Can old men teach what old men can't do? That remains to be seen. "Licking the wounds" is a way to "see again" or to make sense of things that have not been conceived in the heat of battle. This is the way humanity hammered it's wings - licking it's wounds. Maria Kruncheva is a young Bulgarian backgammon player, who shocked the world with her precise and merciless play. She wins trophies each tournament she takes part in. She lost the final to my good old time friend Slava Priadkin only by time at the World Cup challenge in Bucharest 2003. Here is one annotated match of hers and the rest in line are in a Snowie analysed form, I have also included some of my older matches annotated with the help of the first version of Snowie. I thought it would be interesting to see some of the legends in Backgammon. So I intend to publish matches I have watched or submitted by my friends. A fresh one is DA - X22 played on GamesGrid. Enjoy. |